Sunday 31 May 2009


you know what, you only get one life (unless of course you're some superhuman mutant) so why spend it being miserable?
i understand some people have a right to be sad when they're lives/health/etc aren't too good, but other people need to stop worrying about the little things.
i don't eat crappy junk food, i actually eat pretty healthy, and i would like to be slimmer/more toned. but i only get one life, why should i spend it eating stuff i won't enjoy like a celery stick?
i'll eat chocolate cake because it makes me happy.

and this isn't one of those 'omgz i intend to live every day to da fullestttt' things
because lets face it; that is pretty impossible.

but i do intend to make sure whatever i do in my life makes me happy.
that's why i think it would be cool to become a travelling gypsy!

these ideals will probably change when i grow out of my 'crazy-dreamer-teenager' stage btw.


we saw some animal protestors getting arrested.

I do love brick lane.

today we went to Spitalfield Market, Brick Lane and Southbank.


shock i'm the one who buys a jumper in 22 degree heat.
i also bought a mask, for absolutely no reason whatsoever (:

Friday 29 May 2009

Thursday 28 May 2009


Although i'm pretty sure it's only Kelsey and Raji who read my blog, this is for any passers-by:

check it outtt.
she speaks a lot of sense (:

Tim Burton's.

you just know it's going to be creepishly great.

Secret No.1

i quite like cleaning windows.

Wednesday 27 May 2009


Surely I'm not the only one who thinks his guy who plays Riley in National Treasure 1 & 2 is like the cutest geek ever?
i mean, LOOK AT HIM.

Shakeabout Milkshakessss

Shakeabout Milkshakes is probably the best thing since slice bread.
today i had a malteaser flavoured one.

best one so far tbh, even beats the Aero mint flavour.


Today we went to Westfield and i bought some summer tops from River Island for my holiday, an anti-racism /peace/hippy-type tee from H&M, SuperSuper Mag and this:

so now i can look like a cowboy! because i wanted to use a shoelace to do a little bow right where the collar is. i also want to bleach it in an attempt to acid wash it because there was an acid-wash blazer in river island that was AWESOME. I looked like an 80's rockstar! So i'll try and bleach this shirt but i'll experiment on other stuffs first. i'll also stitch/paint onto the shirt once i've thought of a design i want.

We also saw Huw Edwards from BBC news.

he looks so much smaller on tv!

Tuesday 26 May 2009


Today we took Mia to the vets.
There was the biggest white dog there EVER.
it probably could have eaten Mia up if it was rabid.

Anyway, the vet checked Mia's chip thing for his temperature but it was higher than it should have been so he tried it the old fashioned way. yes, i'll let you use your imaginations.
Then Mia had an injection,
then a worming tablet.

as you can tell, Mia wasn't very happy.

Also, apparently because Mia is white and has pink ears and nose, he is very prone to sunburn!
we laughed at first but apparently it's really serious so we have to put sunscreen on his ears!

that should be fun (:

Anyway, My mum moved Mia's normal sleeping blanket-thing so that made him even more upset, then when he jumped on my chair, he hit his head on the table.

i think i can safely say, it's not Mia's day.

Saturday 23 May 2009

films i is wanting to see.

Paper Heart
Pontypool (maybe)
I love you, Man
Just Buried
Star Trek (still ;))
Charlie Bartlett

this list will probably get longer (:

Friday 22 May 2009


i tried to get photos of me bed jumping but i kept failing and thought i'd stop before my mattress broke.

Also, Mala gave me an idea for how i can make necklaces! She doesn't know that she did, but she did.
oh and this was the tee i made, it looks messy but that was purposeful.

Blueberries & Painkillers.

I feel better about the whole Michael Jackson thing as there might be a big finale` seen as it's the last one of the tour, and that means we'll be the last ones everrr to see MJ perform.

Raji and I are hoping to go to the Wireless festival though.
Raji if you read this, Saturday has Dizzie, Frankmusik and others! Sunday has Kanye but the others aren't that good :/

It was non-uniform today for the school kids, so it was confusing to see what ones were 6th formers. But i also realised that they all actually look the same, maybe when they get older things might change, eh.

goonies Pictures, Images and Photos

Thursday 21 May 2009

This Is It.

I entered for the pre-sale,
i woke up 6:30am to buy the tickets
i went through the stress and spent hours trying to get the tickets.
i got 3 tix for 14th July 2009 for Michael Jackson.

now the dates are being moved back and i'm on hte very last date.
6th March 2010.
everyone who didn't get the early tickets get to see him before everyone who got the early tickets.
can someone please explain to me how that is fair?

& when i say very last date, I mean the actual last date of the tour.


Wednesday 20 May 2009

no more exams!

yaaay (:
i just need to finish off my art coursework now!

also i finished a t-shirt, ima put it up on here & on the webstore thing to hopefully make some money (:
i'm suddenly very tired.
oh and i personally think Dizzie Rascal should be primeminister.

Tuesday 19 May 2009

i should stop dancing around the house

i was walking up the stairs, clicking my fingers and swinging my arm (as you do) when i whacked my knuckle on the banister.


also, i fail at revising :(

Sunday 17 May 2009

Eminem, Ghibli & Serbia

i take back what i said about the Eurovision song contest, we did pretty well, and the guy with the wafro wasn't there :|
bbc news obviously lied to me.

Howl's moving castle is an awesome film

also, eminem is finally back.

Saturday 16 May 2009

i'm seriously considering

becoming a travelling gypsy.
hippie van Pictures, Images and Photos

Friday 15 May 2009


Lachlan Bailey is an awesome fashion photographer. fact.

also, we're obviously going to fail in the Eurovision Song Contest.
i mean, who can beat Serbia's wafro dude:


latest addictions:
blueberries and Mikado.

oh and
Brandon Flowers Pictures, Images and Photos
The Killers are gonna be in London on my birthday. waheeyy

Thursday 14 May 2009


i got this dress on the weekend.
i think i might wear it to the summer prom with my Dr. Martens.
i'm rather tempted to add those big buttons to it.
but i don't want to ruin it :/

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

i had to tinypic it because blogger's pic uploader was being a douche -_-


after a week (ok so not a full week but it's almost friday so meh) of illness and pathetic fallacy, i feel much better (:

i painted Mala and I an E.T. t-shirt each.

lol, it's a private joke ;)

also, Charly and I wanted to take the 3D glasses but apparently they had built in stuff which would trigger the alarms if we stole them o_O

btw, Coraline is an awesome film.

i'm listening to Spandau Ballet (H)
haha, this obsession with 80's isn't coming to an end.

Monday 11 May 2009


so basically, i'm ill.
meh, it happens.

80's teens were so lucky they had Adam Ant;
adam ant Pictures, Images and Photos

i want to make a pirate jacket out of my old cardigan.

Sunday 10 May 2009


i want to go on an American Roadtrip in a Volkswagon hippie van.

Friday 8 May 2009



i made this out of a t-shirt and a bit of some jeans. the design was made and painted on by me too.
considering i didn't follow any instructions on how to make a bag i think i did pretty well.
i might make a couple of tees with that design on too.
i wore this today. 
i bought a tesco 11-12yr old boy tee
cut the neck, added a dart, painted veronica and J.D on.
the painting didn't actually take as long as i thought it would. waheyyy.

today i drew a goat and a little thing with a top hat onto david's knee.
how hardcore are we?

i'll upload the pics another time.

Thursday 7 May 2009


sorry i know i just posted one but i just have to say that people in our school are totally and utterly narrow-minded.
a while back when i wore my Dr. Martens.
a little 'GANGSTAAA' boy was like 'hey, flyy shoes' *sarcasm* and laughed.

i was just thinking LOL.
maybe when you grow up and see the world outside of the 86 bus route and see that not everybody dresses like everyone else you might gain a little bit of individuality.
but i highly doubt it.

i feel like watching 'Heathers'.
Heathers Pictures, Images and Photos

p.s. i'll try and make my next posts shorter (:


cry day.hopefully it's over.
still, we managed to get everyone in the canteen clapping during our free ;)

i'm thinking about going to brighton again for my birthday. depending on the cost (:
i also might ask for a diana+ camera.

Wednesday 6 May 2009


so this is my first blog.
not sure how to start it, 
but i guess i just did.
the only reason i've created a blog was because of raji (: (my favourite 'little obese 12 year old kid looking for fun').
she's not actually 12
or obese
or looking for fun.

actually maybe the last one.

anywayyy. i have a headache and i've had a bad day :|
my bag broke just when i was feeling sad.
but i'm hopefully seeing Coraline this weekend so all's good (:

this post probably make it seems like i have a really uninteresting life. maybe i do, but i like it (:

things coming up:
maybe london clothes show?
summer ball
june - birthday!
july - lal & wak's birthday
14th july - MICHAEL JACKSON at the O2
18th July - london comic con (mega geek out)
2nd august - underage festival
4th august - cyprus

and theres loads of stuff in between that i think ive forgotten about :/